Alan near the summit of Denali


Detoxing: Around the House


There’s a lot of goodness and positive energy we can gain when we detox our bodies, and the same goes with our homes! Our home is meant to be our happy, cozy, comfort zone, yet sometimes it gets overlooked and…

Reconnecting with Family & Friends

Man hugging his father

In this series, I’ve explored various facets of the complicated world of connecting with others. We’ve learned about the importance of first impressions, how to work at building relationships, and why having a sense of community can be so beneficial.…

Sense of Community

Barbecuing vegetables on round BBQ

It’s nice to know we belong – whether it’s because we have a common interest, shared experiences or even just because we’re related by blood; feeling connected to a group of people is comforting, fulfilling and rewarding in so many…

Connecting & Building Relationships

Group of people socializing

Connecting with people on a meaningful level isn’t always easy. We can have a rewarding career, a cozy home, and all the Facebook friends in the world, but if we don’t have strong relationships that we cherish, we’re likely not…

Connecting & First Impressions

Men shaking hands at a party

So much of life’s joys are because of our relationships with others. In fact, we humans depend on social connections to survive – it’s a basic need just like food, water and shelter. Even if we don’t feel like being…

Anger: Creating Space

Smiling and frowning yellow ball faces

There’s so much to explore about anger; it’s a big emotion with the potential for very big consequences when left unchecked. Being angry can take a lot out of us, as well as the people around us. Let’s face it…we…

Understanding Anger

Cell phone with angry emoji on the screen

Poor anger. It’s kind of like the outcast of the emotions family, and often the most misunderstood. When we describe someone who’s angry, we say “She’s going ballistic”, or “He’s lost it”, or, one of my favourites, “He blew a…

Seeking Feedback

Woman seeking feedback from another woman sitting on spiral staircase

Seeking out feedback is something that we do quite often, but usually in informal settings such as at dinner parties asking how the dessert we made tasted, or inquiring how we look in a new outfit. Usually, the responses to…