Workshop delivery models
All of Alan’s topics can also be delivered as an interactive workshop instead of a traditional presentation. This is a very popular option for groups that would like the audience to get involved in discussing and sharing their own thoughts and ideas. It makes for a fun and productive learning environment where participants can also learn from each other’s challenges and solutions as Alan facilitates the group activities and discussions.
First Model
In this model, Alan separates the presentation and workshop portions. This is the most popular model and is very effective.
In the first half, Alan delivers a presentation that sets the groundwork for the material that will be discussed.
This gets everyone excited and inspired to learn and discuss the material in more detail. A popular option is to have the presentation portion in the morning, then a break for lunch, followed by the workshop portion in the afternoon.
The workshop portion is filled with discussion questions and short activities that continuously refer back to the material that Alan shares during the presentation portion.

Second Model
In this model, the workshop discussion questions and short activities are spread throughout the allotted time slot.
Alan presents the material for a specific focus or subject and facilitates a short discussion before moving on to the next subject in the workshop.

Some of the underlying themes and learning objectives for Alan’s presentations and workshops
“The feedback from our leaders has been incredible! Thank you again for your inspiring keynote last week.”
Kim Hickling
HR Analyst – Performance Management | The City of Barrie

Building Trust
Alan’s dynamic workshops on building trust highlight the tools and essential steps that are involved in developing a level of trust in professional relationships. This is the foundation of effective teamwork and collaborative, transparent work environments.
Learning Objectives:

Coaching & Motivation
Motivating and developing others is an art that requires a unique skill set and the adaptation of various techniques. For leaders and managers, coaching skills are essential in order to effectively identify strengths, transfer knowledge, and empower others.
Learning Objectives:

Effective leadership in today’s society requires a shift in mentality to embrace more agile and collaborative approaches that empower people, leverage technology, instill confidence, and boost performance.
Learning Objectives:

Team Building
Developing healthy professional relationships between team members is essential for clarifying roles, breaking down barriers, gaining alignment on team goals, and collaborating to find innovative solutions.
Learning Objectives:

Strategic Planning
Alan’s strategic planning programs focus on setting strategic goals, developing a clear vision of future outcomes, gaining alignment from individual contributors, and establishing the steps involved in achieving desired outcomes.
Learning Objectives:

Sales & Marketing
To win in today’s competitive marketplace, organizations have to embrace diverse marketing strategies, understand societal trends, and constantly create remarkable customer experiences centered around value, integrity, and relationships.
Learning Objectives:

Focusing on customer engagement, people-first management, boosting performance, and overcoming business challenges, Alan’s business programs have received tremendous feedback from corporate audiences in a wide range of industries.
Learning Objectives:

Innovation & Critical Thinking
Innovation is what drives the world forward. Alan’s background is in innovation through custom machine design, and his programs on innovation are a unique combination of technical know-how, critical thought processes, and creative problem solving.
Learning Objectives:

Organizational Development
Exploring the strategies and processes involved in shaping organizations for long-term success by creating work environments and policies that enrich employees’ lives, which in turn boosts productivity and organizational growth.
Learning Objectives:

Time Management
In our busy lives, it often seems as though there is not enough time in the day. Learning and practicing time management strategies is key to reducing stress, boosting productivity, focusing energy, and making the most of the time we have.
Learning Objectives:

These popular programs are centered around effective communication strategies, overcoming communication barriers, clarity of information transfer, and the importance of creating an open and transparent communication culture.
Learning Objectives:

Students & Young Professionals
Education moves society forward, and our student leaders are at the forefront of shaping the future. Alan is committed to investing in the development of young people and empowering students of all levels to reach their full potential.
Learning Objectives:

Health & Wellness
If we do not have our health, we do not have quality of life. It is often difficult to maintain good health in our busy lives, which is why it is so important to study, understand, and implement the strategies and lifestyles that promote health and wellbeing.
Learning Objectives:

Safety & Risk Management
Alan’s safety programs are not about avoiding risk altogether; they are about studying and thoroughly understanding the safety challenges so that risks can be identified, minimized, and controlled for safe and successful results.
Learning Objectives:

Mental health
Mental health is one of the biggest challenges that we face in today’s society. Alan has had his own journey with mental health, and his programs combine personal experiences with research and insights to help others through their journeys.
Learning Objectives:

Athletics & Performance
Alan’s programs for athletics and competitive teams are fascinating sessions that explore the mental fortitude, physical endurance, personal commitment, and unwavering perseverance that winning athletes and championship teams exhibit.
Learning Objectives: