Alan near the summit of Denali


Trust & Connecting on Common Goals

Trust & Connecting on Common Goals

In the corporate world, a popular practice or theory is that of ‘workplace alignment’, which relates to how companies can improve their work environment (and in turn, their bottom line) when the values, roles and/or goals of employees are aligned.…

Building Trust – Opening Up

alan mallory building trust opening up

This month’s blog series is all about trust – opening up to others, connecting, being transparent and having integrity. We need to trust others and be trusted – our relationships depend on it for them to be meaningful. In mountaineering,…

Careers: The Changing Landscape

Woman in office with people moving in background

Having a rewarding, fulfilling career is something we all aspire to, yet what that means on a personal level is different for everyone. Whether our goal is financial success, stability, challenge, creativity, or something else altogether, the end result is…

Time Management & Prioritizing


Do you often find yourself saying, “Where DID the day go” and then feeling not only unproductive, but ineffective too? Too often we’ll plug away at our ‘to do’ lists, getting lots done here and there, but at the end…

Time Management: Time Blocking

Clock lamp posts

When we think about our goals, whether at work, at home, or our personal ambitions, there’s often a big difference between activity and achievement. We may have the best intentions and a strong sense of commitment, but if we don’t…

Detoxing the Mind

Woman remaining calm while things thrown at her

Got an overloaded, stressed-out, maxed out monkey mind? Sounds like a mind detox may be in order! Let’s learn how to banish negative energy, kick guilt, anger, and drama to the curb, and start fresh with a more calm, focused…

Detoxing Relationships

Woman avoiding jeering coworkers

Unlike the fairly straightforward process of purging our bodies and homes of unwanted toxins, relationships are an entirely different level of complexity. When relationships are toxic, life can get very difficult, and it’s rarely easy to manoeuvre out of a…