Category Personal Growth

Careers: The Changing Landscape

Woman in office with people moving in background

Having a rewarding, fulfilling career is something we all aspire to, yet what that means on a personal level is different for everyone. Whether our goal is financial success, stability, challenge, creativity, or something else altogether, the end result is…

Detoxing the Mind

Woman remaining calm while things thrown at her

Got an overloaded, stressed-out, maxed out monkey mind? Sounds like a mind detox may be in order! Let’s learn how to banish negative energy, kick guilt, anger, and drama to the curb, and start fresh with a more calm, focused…

Detoxing Relationships

Woman avoiding jeering coworkers

Unlike the fairly straightforward process of purging our bodies and homes of unwanted toxins, relationships are an entirely different level of complexity. When relationships are toxic, life can get very difficult, and it’s rarely easy to manoeuvre out of a…

Detoxing: Around the House


There’s a lot of goodness and positive energy we can gain when we detox our bodies, and the same goes with our homes! Our home is meant to be our happy, cozy, comfort zone, yet sometimes it gets overlooked and…

Reconnecting with Family & Friends

Man hugging his father

In this series, I’ve explored various facets of the complicated world of connecting with others. We’ve learned about the importance of first impressions, how to work at building relationships, and why having a sense of community can be so beneficial.…

Sense of Community

Barbecuing vegetables on round BBQ

It’s nice to know we belong – whether it’s because we have a common interest, shared experiences or even just because we’re related by blood; feeling connected to a group of people is comforting, fulfilling and rewarding in so many…