Tag professional development

Giving Feedback

Team member giving feedback to another team member

We all recognize that giving feedback to others can definitely be tricky – even on a good day we may struggle with communication barriers, big emotions, or just not finding the right technique to talk to a specific individual. Although…

Self-Confidence & Self-Assurance

Boy wearing rocket suit

In this series on self-confidence, we’ve learned that not only is it a multifaceted, sometimes elusive quality we aspire to have in the perfect amount, but that it’s also a key element to living our best lives and accomplishing the…

Self-Confidence & Determination

Woman sitting on high peak looking out at the sunrise

A thorough discussion of self-confidence cannot be complete without exploring our own sense of determination, and how we motivate ourselves. Our confidence and determination are often interdependent; feeling good about ourselves has a lot to do with our ability to…

Self Talk & the Importance of Affirmations

Man laying in field thinking

You know how some offices or waiting rooms have those black-framed pictures on the walls with uplifting sayings, usually about achievement, teamwork, optimism or leadership? Well, those positive messages, although they may sometimes seem a little cliché, are actually very…